Make an appointment

Getting started

I recommend we have a brief conversation on the phone before making an initial appointment. This gives me a chance to hear more about the kinds of difficulties you would like help with and to agree a suitable appointment time. Please contact me on 07876 558267.

First meeting

At the initial appointment I can explain more fully about the process of therapy and we can discuss what might be helpful for you at that point. I am able to offer flexible personalised therapy plans depending on what is required, from briefer to longer term treatment. You will be able to ask me further questions about how I work, my experience and qualifications and determine whether you feel I can be helpful to you.

Appointments typically last just under an hour and cost £95. I accept private insurance (please note this incurs a £20 administration fee). I do have a very limited amount of reduced cost appointments for therapists in training and those on low income. Appointments will typically be at the same time each week however I can offer alternative arrangements depending on availability.

Cancellation policy

I understand things come up and life can get in the way at times and I ask for at least 72 hours’ notice. If you cancel your arranged appointment with less than 24 hours notice you will be charged the full fee. Depending on availability it may be possible to arrange an alternative appointment time.


All of our discussions remain confidential and will not be shared with anybody else without your consent. However there are exceptions to this confidentiality. If, through our discussions, I become significantly concerned about you or anyone else, it is my duty of care to share that information with relevant others. I would always try and discuss this with you first if possible.


Clapham Therapy Rooms
76a Battersea Rise, London,
SW11 1EH